Who we are

In 1948,

plant breeders created a structure to pool their resources and to enhance the value of their varietal creations, the CGLV (Caisse de Gestion des Licences Végétales).

In 1976,

Sicasov (Société d'Intérêt Collectif Agricole des Sélectionneurs Obtenteurs de Variétés Végétales) was created to perform these services allowing exclusive concession management.

In 1994,

CGLV and Sicasov merged to form the Sicasov as we know it today. As the needs of breeders developed, the activity initially limited to the French territory gradually extended to all countries with a plant variety protection by PVC (Plant Variety Certificate), patent or trademark.

In 2000,

Sicasov participated in the implementation of the first "Farm-saved seed" agreement.

In 2010,

Sicasov strengthened its presence in Italy by directly representing breeders in dealings with licensed producers.


Sicasov continues to expand its influence to ensure compliance with plant breeder rights in all the territories where they operate, in coordination with all stakeholders, including users of farm-saved seed and plants.