Farm-saved seed and crops

Plant protection laws allow, for certain species, the farmer to produce his own seeds from purchased certified seeds or plants (farm-saved seed exemption). The counterpart is the payment of a fair remuneration. SICASOV manages this collection aimed at strengthening plant breeding; it is usually defined by cross-branch agreements between the actors of the sector concerned.

Collection methods for chair remuneration by species :

STRAW CEREALS : In France, the current system was set up in the early 2000s, first for common wheat only, and then also for other crops. A fixed amount per tonne of grain is levied and collected by the storage agencies, whether or not the farmer uses farm-saved seed.

This levy is called the Contribution to Research and Varietal Innovation (CRV). It amounts to 1.05 euro per tonne collected (= FSS Remuneration on the diagram below).

To avoid being charged twice, farmers who use certified seed and who have already contributed to the remuneration of varietal research via the royalties paid to Sicasov receive a specific rebate. This rebate represents 5.25 euros per quintal (100 kg) of seeds purchased.



POTATOES: As there is no central harvesting agency, the CRV system specific to cereal cannot be applied to this species. In this case, funding is based on the declaration by producers of acreage sown with farm-saved plants of protected varieties. The cross-branch agreement adds a health aspect to this royalty clause.

For potatoes, SICASOV has set up a website providing information and a space for farmer declarations.