
  • Unauthorized production and marketing of the protected variety (seed, plants or crops) under its original name (concerns most often agricultural species)
  • Unauthorized production and marketing of the protected variety (seeds, plants, or crops) under a different denomination (concerns mostly horticultural, vegetable and ornamental species)
  • Production of seed or plants outside the protected territory and unauthorized importation into the protected territory
  • Unauthorized export to territories where there is no plant variety protection of the species concerned

Specific farm-saved seed cases involving protected varieties:

  • Unauthorized self-production, by farmers or nurseries, of seed or plants not included in the list covered by the concept of “farm-saved seed”
  • Failure to declare the use of seed or plants of a species included in the list covered by the concept of “farm-saved seed” (i.e. seed potatoes)
  • Sales or exchanges of self-produced plants, declared or not to SICASOV